Leibniz University Hannover Research Research Profile
Research Associations within the University

Research Associations within the University

Our wide variety of subjects enables our researchers and academics to consider diverse aspects when working on complex, cross-disciplinary questions. In order to support interdisciplinary associations in competitive core areas, Leibniz University Hannover has its own internal cross-faculty organisational structure.

The system is divided into the interdisciplinary Leibniz Research Initiatives, Leibniz Research Centres and Leibniz Research Schools, where researchers work on core areas across the disciplines and faculties. This system is progressive and, depending on the stage of development of the interdisciplinary research association in question, entails different types of support and institutionalisation from the university management.

Leibniz Research Initiatives

At the first stage of development within the system are the Leibniz Research Initiatives, alliances of individual working groups focusing on a clearly defined and extensive research topic across the disciplines and faculties. A Leibniz Research Initiative can be set up by the Presidential Board following an application by the researchers concerned. After a maximum term of three years, the research performance is assessed in an external evaluation. If the referees make a positive recommendation, the Presidential Board may convert the Leibniz Research Initiative to a Leibniz Research Centre.

Leibniz Research Centres

As the second stage, Leibniz Research Centres draw international attention to their excellent research activities. They are evaluated regularly by external referees and collaborate with non-university research institutions. Successfully evaluated Leibniz Research Centres receive funding for a period of five years to an amount set by the Presidential Board according to the requirements of the centre in question.

Leibniz Research Schools

As the highest stage, Leibniz Research Schools offer a flexible structural framework for cross-faculty research at the highest international level. They are set up for a limited period of time, collaborate with non-university research institutions and partner universities, and have a particularly high degree of organisation and far-reaching autonomy. They focus on interdisciplinary research and postgraduate education.

As a rule, their lifespan does not exceed 15 years. They are set up by the university management following an application by professors from at least two faculties. The initial duration of five years can be extended, upon application, for five years at a time. The success of the first and subsequent applications is determined by an external scientific evaluation.

QUEST Leibniz Research School was founded in 2009 as the first Leibniz Research School at our university. In 2021, the Leibniz Research School of Optics & Photonics was established.

Your contact person

Portrait Portrait © Moritz Küstner / LUH
Dr. Johanna Schanz
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
Portrait Portrait © Moritz Küstner / LUH
Dr. Johanna Schanz
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover